The Story of Uschi
Every story begins with a strong woman, mine is no different.
Since I would have no story if not for Uschi, let me share a piece
of hers with you.
Ursula, or Uschi to many, was a woman of the world, but more
importantly she was a fixture in the communities where she lived. Born Ursula Dieterich in Berlin to Augusta Ohler and Hans Dieterich in 1931. As a young teenager, Ursula was relocated to a small town north of Berlin in an effort to spare the children of the city from the daily bombing raids. When the town of Neuruppin was sacked by Russian forces she and her friend traversed the German countryside by foot with one bike with a broken wheel between them. They followed the railroad tracks nearly 70 kilometers back to Berlin to find her family amidst the rubble.
The first of so many stories showing strength, grit, determination. Uschi, meaning little she bear in German was the perfect life long nick name for such a wonderful spirit.